Logistics and support

Since March we have been providing convoys to Ukraine along with support for other groups and moving Aid across international boarders. Also help with customs paperwork and an advice service. We have been helping coordinate some free ferry transport for UK aid heading to Ukraine.

Volunteers from all over the UK have helped with donations, transport, Driving and the loading. We still need more help to get whats needed, where its needed and when its needed.

Donate today to help buy medical aid and supplies.
Donate today to help buy rocket stoves.
Donate today to help buy generators for Hospitals
Donate today to help buy fuel & logistics with NAFO 

Vehicles and equipment

The Ukrainian Charitable Foundation “Wheels of Victory” is the initiative of the volunteers, who aim to unite energy, efforts and work of those people, who want to help Ukraine to resist rashist aggression. This is one more systemic step of the Ukrainians and our partners to the VICTORY. On the 24th of February 2022, when the new phase of Ukrainian-russian war has started, the need in off-road trucks for the Ukrainians who protect the country in the East of Ukraine and for the civilian volunteers has sharply increased.

As of 26/10/22 they have sourced over 250 vehicles to support the defence and aid of Ukraine.

Rocket stoves for trenches and refugees.

We are seeing that the weather is getting much colder and with a view to put a high-tech spin on an old technology. With help from UK NAFO Fellas and Ukrainian engineers we have made a prototype that have some key features to help during this conflict.

Aqua bladders and water trailers.

We are seeing that the acute lack of aqua bladders and cases heat exhaustion. With some people drinking from puddles. Our idea is to have multiple water trailers being swapped out regularly to ensure civilians and volunteers have supply.

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